

Enzo Manuel Mangano

Co-Founder & Software Engineer
Worklet SRL

Hey, I'm Enzo a 25 years old guy deeply passionated about React Native development.

I think there's something magical about creating something from scratch and seeing it come to life. That's why I started Reactiive, a YouTube channel dedicated entirely to React Native animations.

I usually create content with a simple rule: if it doesn't create value for others, it's not worth doing.

The easiest way I found to match this rule is to create everything always from scratch. That's what Reactiive.io is all about: a space where you can learn and grow your React Native skills step by step, trying to improve professionally to build your projects.

I love building things just for fun, and once per week I publish a source code of a fancy animation made with Reanimated, Skia and Gesture Handler to Patreon.

Happy coding! 🚀